Category Archives: Biblio-ephemera

Circulating Library Labels

As well as bookseller labels, I am also very keen on circulating library labels and yes, I know I should get out more. These are obviously best left in (and on) the books involved as they are a good source of provenance, but often they arrive here already removed.


Circulating libraries lent books, pamphlets, newspapers etc to customers for a fee and prospered largely between the mid-eighteenth and mid-nineteenth century. They often offered other book-related trades and products like printing, bookbinding and book selling, but also slightly more unusual things like medicine, perfumes and umbrellas (see below).

Probably the nicest example I have is stuck onto the outside of the covers, and the only one I have seen which has a ‘front’ and a ‘back’, though it is unlikely to have been intended as such.



The ‘front’ of the above example from Bettison’s of Leamington does appear in the Papantonio Collection which forms the basis of the excellent book by Charlotte A. Stewart-Murphy, “A History of British Circulating Libraries”, published by the Bird & Bull Press in 1992 (see Plate VI), but the ‘back’ does not.

The Stewart-Murphy book mentioned above is probably the best introduction to circulating libraries and their labels, Scottish circulating libraries are brilliantly served by Keith Manley’s, “Books, Borrowers and Shareholders”, though, alas, no illustrations are provided of the actual labels


One of the collections here at Zetetic HQ is of what we like to call biblio-ephemera, or book related ephemera; including a half-hearted bookmark collection and quite a few bookplates, binders tickets, booksellers billheads and bookseller trade cards.

Our primary interest, however, are bookseller labels. Rickards in his excellent Encyclopaedia of Ephemera describes them as “in effect a miniature trade card … generally printed in black on a thin colour-tinted paper … and in a variety of shapes” (see below)


There are several books and websites devoted to collecting them, the best is (then click on the link to the ‘Gallery of Book Trade Labels’), the site has hundreds of pictures of examples and also has a good bibliography on the subject, as well as several other web links