[004664] [Tunbelly, Tim.]; Mitchell, W. A. The Letters of Tim. Tunbelly, Gent. Free Burgess, Newcastle Upon Tyne on the Tyne, the Newcastle Corporation, the Freemen, the Tolls Etc. Etc. To Which is Prefixed, a Memoir of His Public and Private Life. Newcastle Upon Tyne: W. A. Mitchell, 1823. First Edition. 8vo. Hardback. Good. [3], ii-xx, [1], 2-155pp, [1]. Modern cloth, title in gilt to spine
Externally very good. Internally lightly browned, especially to edges, occasional spot of soiling to margins, but generally clean. With a lithographic frontispiece, which is slightly chipped to fore edge
States ‘Vol. I’, but all published
Anonymous epistolary satire about Newcastle politics, probably written by the publisher
Goldsmiths 23755