Catalogue VI

Well, here it is, the first catalogue of 2016…

Catalogue VI
Catalogue VI

Fifty items, including uncommon anarchist periodicals, pamphlets on housing and equal pay, two unrecorded eighteenth century poll books and a libellous ‘destroyed’ biography of Bradlaugh

Happy New Year – One Year Old

Well it’s one year since this chapter of my book selling life started, the last fair of the year in Market Harborough was on the 29th of December – picture of the stand below – and the first one of this year is in York on the 9th January


Happy New Year to all of my customers; past, present and future!

Book Fairs

We have now added a ‘Book Fair’ page with links to the forthcoming book fairs that we will be attending.

If there are items of stock that you would like to see ‘in the flesh’ from the website, let us know (a week in advance if possible) and we will try to bring them along for you.

We also usually attend the monthly Etc fair (usually held on the second Sunday of each month) at the Royal National hotel if that is more convenient.