York and the American Revolution



[004659] [York and the American Revolution] A Report of the Proceedings of the Committee of Association WITH The Second Report of the Proceedings of the Committee of Association. York: A. Ward, 1783. First Edition. 12mo. Stitched. Pamphlet. Good. Two pamphlets – 1. A Report of the Proceedings of the Committee of Association, Appointed at the Adjourned General Meeting of the County of York, held on the 28th Day of March, 1780, Presented to the General Meeting of the County of York, Held on the 19th Day of December, 1782. With an Appendix Containing the Circular Letter of November 1, 1782, &c. Proceedings at the General Meeting of the County of York on the 19th of December: Account of debate, &c. at that Meeting, and Proceedings of the Committee of Association on the 17th, 18th, 20th, and 21st Days of December, 1782, [3], 4-55pp, [1]; 2. The Second Report of the Proceedings of the Committee of Association, Presented to the General Meeting of the County of York, held in the 1st day of January, 1784. To Which are Added An Account of the Proceedings of the Two County Meetings, Held on the 17th of December, 1783, and on the 1st of January, 1784: Together with the Debates on that of the 17th of December, [3], 4-25pp, [1], printed in 1784. Stitched as issued

Minor wear, second named lightly browned, with a light damp stain to top corner throughout the second half of the text

Printed by A.[nne] Ward in Coney Street. Adams, The American Controversy, 83-96a (for the first named), noting that the “debate at the meeting held 19 Dec. 1782 (pp. 32-53); contains frequent references to the American war and the peace” (page 905)

ESTC T44738 and T47369 respectively