Borough of Stamford – The Patriotic Fund



[004650] [Simpson, Francis]; Patriotic Fund. Borough of Stamford – The Patriotic Fund. Stamford: W. and J. Newcomb, 1854. First Edition. Elephant Folio. Unbound. Broadside. Good. Printed broadside, approximately 345mm x 425mm in size

Lightly browned, small chips to edges and corners. otherwise clean

Broadside advertising the setting up of a patriotic fund, to collect “any Gifts, Subscriptions, and Voluntary Contributions towards the succouring, educating, and relieving those who by the loss of their Husbands and Parents in Battle, or by death on active service in the present War, are unable to maintain or to support themselves”

The printers were W. and J. Newcomb of Stamford