CdV of Salisbury


SKU: 001988 Categories: ,


[001988] [3rd Marquis of Salisbury]. Carte-de-Visite of the 3rd Marquis of Salisbury. London: John Watkins. First Edition. 32mo. Unbound. Carte-De-Visite. Good+. Carte-de-Visite of the Marquis of Salisbury, approximately 65mm x 105mm in size, n.d., c.1865?

Very lightly soiled, name of sitter to head of reverse, otherwise fairly bright and clean.

Reverse is printed with the details of John Watkins in 34 Parliament Street, London, with an ink stamp of Marion and Co. to foot. Watkins occupied this address between 1856 and 1875, see Pritchard, page 117.

For the 3rd Marquis of Salisbury, Robert Arthur Talbot Gascoyne-Cecil, a Conservative Prime Minister see ODNB