[004644] [English Civil War Broadside] Die Jovis 13 Januarii, 1641. London: Robert Barker, 1641. First Edition. Folio. Unbound. Broadside. Good. Printed broadside, cropped and laid down on to card, approximately 200mm x 315mm in size (card 315mm x 430mm in size), 1641 [ie. 1642]
Creased and torn, but now laid on to card with no loss
It notes, “Whereas information hath been given to the Parliament, that the Lord Digbie (son to the Earle of Bristol) and Colonel Lunsford, with others, have gathered troops of horse, and have appeared in a warlike manner at Kingstone upon Thames in the County of Surrey, (where the Magazine of Arms for that part of the County lies) to the terrour and affright of his Majesties good subjects, and disturbance of the publike weale of the Kingdom: It is this day ordered by the Lords and Commons in Parliament, that the Sheriffs of the severall Counties of England and Wales, calling to their assistance the Justices of the Peace, and the trained Bands of those severall Counties (or so many of them as shall be necessary for the service) shall suppresse all unlawfull Assemblies gathered together to the disturbance of the publike peace of the Kingdom in their severall Counties respectively: And that they take care to secure the said Counties, and all the Magazines in them”
Thomason, page 62