Stackhouse’s Lectures



[004352] [Stackhouse, Thomas] Syllabus of Three Lectures, to be Delivered at the George Inn, Northampton, on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the 27th, 28th, and 29th Days of January, 1817, at Twelve O’Clock in the Forenoon, and Seven in the Evening. Northampton: Dicey & Smithson [Printers], 1817. First Edition. Folio. Unbound. Broadside. Good+. Single sided printed broadside, approximately 210mm x 335mm in size

Very lightly browned, very slightly creased, but generally quite bright and clean

The printers Dicey & Smithson appear in the BBTI as trading between 1822-1830, but also clearly earlier, as here

Attractively printed, tickets for the lectures were “to be had of the booksellers”

“Stackhouse, Thomas (1756-1836), educational writer and antiquary … He published a number of school textbooks on punctuation, ancient Greek society, geography, astronomy, and the use of globes, many of which were illustrated with his own drawings and diagrams. He also wrote a few theological works. His principal hobby was investigating the archaeological remains of early Britons” (ODNB)