Swing Riots



[003916] [Swing Riots] To the Dissatisfied Labourers in Husbandry. Beccles: R.B. Jarman [Printer], First Edition. 8vo. Unbound. Leaflet. Fair. Single sided printed leaflet, approximately 185mm x 220mm in size, n.d. but probably c.1830

Lightly browned, stained, with top left hand corner missing, vertical paper flaw affecting a few letters but with no loss of sense

Anti-‘Swing’ leaflet, decrying the breaking of threshing machines and the burning of barns and corn stacks. “If you burn my Barn or my Stack, why may I not burn your Cottage and Furniture, destroy your Cabbages and Potatoes, and all the crop of your Garden? … When, therefore, you feel tempted to join a Riotous Party, ask yourself this question – Should I like it myself? – and then DO AS YOU WOULD BE DONE BY”

The printer was R.[obert] B.[arnett] Jarman, (fl. 1812-1851), who was the son of a papermaker

BL only in Library Hub, suggesting 1834 as the publication date, but the protests had ended by then